
Samsing is a located at an elevation of 3000 ft above sea level in the foothills of Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling District border area and a part of it falls under Malbazar Sub Division another part falls under Kalimpong sub division. It is a small hill town and tourist spot famous for breathtaking landscape, fresh green tea garden, beautiful hills and forest. The calmness and natural beauty of the place is stunning and the ideal time to visit would be late afternoon if possible. The tourist must like its foggy climate or sometimes heavy rainfall and more often cool breezes. Neora valley National Forest is just 18 KM away from samsing. So it’s around an hour journey from Samsing. This forest considered as one of the unexplored virgin forest ranges in the country. It is also considered as one of the richest biological zone in the whole north east India. Neora valley national park is home to many rare species like red panda and clouded leopards. The forest includes plants like rhododendron, oak, sal, bamboo, ferns etc. It is also famous for orchid varieties. Chalsa is just 15 km apart. Regular bus/Jeep service is also available frequently. If anyone likes to stay from busy life, crowed, pollution and noise for a couple of days then this place is ideal for him/her. The natural resources are surely rejuvenate you to fresh start your day to day work. There are several beautiful picnic spots like Lali guras, Rockey Ilands, Suntalikhola etc. This area is a perfect blend of hills, plains, rivers, forests, tea gardens and villages.

Several tea gardens surround the regions of Samsing and Dooars on both sides. Some of them are Kilkote tea garden, Aibhil tea garden, Indong tea garden, Juranti tea garden, Chalauni Tea garden, Yongttong tea garden, Kumai tea garden etc and many others. The forest area of Samsing consists of several species of animals and plants. Some of the species found here include Greater Racket-tailed Grongo, Grey Nightjar, Orange-bellied Leafbird, greychinned, short-billed minivets, slaty-backed forktail, ashy bulbul, Maroon oriole ,yellow-vented, golden-spectacled and chestnut crowned warblers, white-napped and black-chinned yuhinas. Many treks are organized close to the Neora valley National Park including forest area, a steep ride to “Tree Fern Point” and “Mo Chaki” for getting a view of the Himalayas and the plains of Dooars on each side. The place also provides clear view of the hills of Bhutan and Jelep La Pass that joins Tibet with India. Faribasti village is another attraction near Suntale Khola. 

Suntalekhola:  This is a small village near samsing located at a distance 4 km. The altitude of the place ranges from 650 mt-950 mt. There is a small stream.  Suntaley means orange and khola means stream in nepali. Many rare birds species and various types of butterflies are found here. WBFDC cottages are located at the bunk of the stream. This is ideal place for tourist to reside.

Rockey Iland: It is a well known place for tourist near samsing and surrounded by large rocks beside murti river beds. This is specially a camping site. The rocks provide easy climbing opportunities to anyone to enjoy little adventure. It also provides wonderful opportunities to explore bio diversity of lower Neora valley national sanctuary.   

How to reach: Nearest Railway station is Chalsa from where samsing is 21 km apart. One may drop at Malbazar Juntion where most of the important train towards north east halt.  From Mal Jn. samsing is 28 KM. One may hire car or there are some bus/Jeep service also. If anyone is staying at Gorumara National sanctuary he/she can hire car to visit the place, the road distance is 64 KM (approx).

Where to stay:  It is better to stay at WBTDC cottages at samsing. The cottages near suntalekhola is just awsome. Private hotels and lodges are also available. 

Check Availability at samsing or Suntalekhola

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